Stop Selling. Start Telling. Be Compelling!
February 15, 2018
Why Quarter Two is The Most Important Quarter of the Sales Year?
April 10, 2018
Stop Selling. Start Telling. Be Compelling!
February 15, 2018
Why Quarter Two is The Most Important Quarter of the Sales Year?
April 10, 2018

Stop Saying “We Provide Great Service”

It amazes me how every time I ask a Banker or a Professional Service Provider what differentiates their Bank or Business from their competitors they generally answer with “We Provide Great Service“.

But doesn’t everyone?!? No-one will ever say they don’t provide great service … or they provide an average service.

Please stop saying “we provide great service” or “we provide a very personalized service” ….


Provide a unique example or a compelling story of a customer experience that clearly demonstrates HOW your service is great … or more specifically HOW your service standards are far superior than your competitors.

Better yet …. tell them about your unique Service Mission at your Bank or Business and back it up with great customer examples.


What is Your Service Mission?

Your Service Mission is what you are committed to delivering every time you interact with a customer.

If your Bank or Business has a Service Mission then make sure you know it and can recite it. That would demonstrate how serious you are about delivering on this service “promise”.

Then share some powerful customer experiences (or testimonials) that bring your service mission to life.

If you don’t have a Service Mission, then consider this:

  • Think of THREE EMOTIVE WORDS that you would like your customers to feel when experiencing your service.
  • Capture customer experiences (or obtain testimonials) that are great examples of each of these THREE WORDS.

Develop strategies for every step of the Service Excellence Model (below) to ensure your customers consistently feel these THREE WORDS.


Service Excellence Model

Five Steps to Achieving Customer Service Excellence:

  1. Engage
  2. Explore
  3. Execute
  4. Educate / Expand
  5. Exit / Exceed

Service Excellence Model courtesy of SalesITV (





Article written by Joe Micallef – Sales Strategist & Coach – Grow UP Sales. For advice on how to create greater sales confidence please email or visit the webpage

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