Get Ready For The Great SALES FALLOUT
September 11, 2018
There is no A.B.C. without the F.U.
October 5, 2018Would you consider yourself socially awkward? I’m not talking about at the office or at parties. I’m talking about online!
Some of the big questions I am often asked by Bankers and Salespeople are:
“Do I need a LinkedIn profile?” or “Should I update my LinkedIn profile”
If you have to ask then my concern is that perhaps you may already be “socially” awkward …. or to put it another way, you may not be socially engaging with your network as effectively as you could be.
But it’s certainly not too late to make an impression.
Regardless of whether you like social media or not, almost every customer or prospect is going online today to research their buying decision.
In the Professional Services and Banking industries, your online profile and network has become a vital platform for building rapport and demonstrating credibility – two key buying factors.
My good friend, and Australia’s #1 LinkedIn Social Seller, Mark McInnes shares these 7 Secrets to Social Selling that will help you overcome any awkwardness:
- Create a Compelling Profile
Give someone a compelling reason to add you to their network besides your “name, rank & company”.
- Network by DESIGN – choose specific targets
Identify your target market and outreach with connection requests and by sharing posts that would interest them. Be specific and focused.
- Be confident about connecting
Overcome any limiting beliefs you may have about outreach strategies. People on LinkedIn generally want to connect with others who can provide value.
- Use persuasive engagement strategies
Leverage LinkedIn to demonstrate your credibility, likability, success stories and other ethical persuasion strategies that motivate your network to formally engage you.
- Leverage your network for referrals & recommendations.
If you have provided value to your network and built relationships, then you should confidently ask for referrals to people within their network.
- Be consistent and disciplined about your efforts.
This is not a “try and see” strategy. It takes time and discipline to build rapport and credibility. Be consistently good not occasionally great.
- Proactively convert social into selling conversations.
It’s not about the “Likes”, it’s about formally outreaching to those who have demonstrated interest in you and your posts and starting valuable conversations.
To learn more about Mark McInnes please visit https://salesleader.online/
Please also feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile:
If I am not part of your LinkedIn network then please send me an invitation to connect and follow me for regular sales advice, tips and tools.
I would also be happy to provide you with a free review of your LinkedIn profile . Simply send me a Message in LinkedIn once we connect and I will happily provide you with some constructive feedback.
Article written by Joe Micallef – Sales Strategist & Coach – Grow UP Sales. For advice on how to create a more compelling online profile please email joe@growupsales.com or visit the webpage www.growupsales.com
If you found the content valuable then please feel free to share this article with your broader network. Let’s help more sales people become less socially awkward.