October 28, 2019
“Think Different”​ By Creating Your Own Personal Brand
December 4, 2019
October 28, 2019
“Think Different”​ By Creating Your Own Personal Brand
December 4, 2019

It’s Time To BELIEVE In Your Success

The Holiday Season has arrived and it’s an exciting time of year to be gathering with family and friends. It’s also a time when our imaginations run wild and we become engrossed in talks about Zombies, Thanksgiving Bargains, Santa Claus, and New Year Resolutions.


Why is it that we can so easily believe in this hype … but we fail to believe in what can really make a HUGE difference in our lives?


I appreciate the holiday season is fun … and for some it seems like a nice distraction from the challenges of day to day life … but every day can “feel like Christmas” if we start believing more in our success.

The biggest obstacles to achieving greater success in your life are simply your BELIEFS.


The key to achieving all your dreams is BELIEVING in your company, your customers, your plan and yourself.


1.   Believe in Your Company (Bank)

I work with a lot of Bankers who seem to lack confidence that their Bank can solve ALL their customers’ problems/needs. 

If YOU don’t believe that your Company/Bank offers compelling solutions for all your customer’s needs, then how do you expect your customers to be confident in dealing with you?

In order to achieve greater success it’s important you develop a detailed understanding of your Company’s amazing solutions and strongly believe in the benefits they provide.


2.   Believe in Your Customers

One of the biggest limiting beliefs most Bankers share is that customers do not like being sold to. This is forged from our own dislike of “pushy salespeople”.

But selling is NOT something you do TO a customer …. it is something you do FOR a customer. You are simply engaging them in a conversation about their broader needs/problems and offering them your amazing solutions.

If you have done a tremendous job of building rapport and credibility with your customer, then it’s important you believe that they trust you to help them with all their needs/problems.

Believe that your customers want your assistance. Believe in the joy they (and you) will receive when they experience your wonderful solution.


3.   Believe in Your Plan

This time of year we are always making plans – dinner plans, shopping plans, travel plans, party plans, etc.

For the most part, we execute these plans seamlessly and diligently …. and we are even able to make adjustments when unexpected events impact our plans.

The reason why we execute these plans so well is because we are excited (determined) about achieving the end goal. We also have a fixed timeframe and clearly understand the steps we need to take to achieve our goal. We are usually confident about performing those steps or are able to easily learn how.

Do you have a plan for achieving greater success in your career and your life? How strongly do you believe in planning and your ability to execute?

To achieve your exciting life goals, it’s important you create an annual plan of action that you can review periodically and confidently perform each action (or are able to easily learn how).


4.  Believe in Yourself

Henry Ford famously said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” 

Ultimately the key to achieving greater success is believing in yourself and your abilities. Your confidence is directly impacted by your beliefs …. or limiting beliefs.

Believe that YOU can effectively promote your Bank’s amazing solutions.

Believe that YOU can build greater relationships with your customers and that they trust YOU to help them with all their needs.

Believe that YOU can confidently execute the activities in your plan for success.

And most importantly, believe that YOU can achieve greater success and the quality of life you have dreamed about for yourself and your family.


This time every year you are confident about the great plans you have made for the holiday season. You suspend any disbelief you may have about Zombies, Bargains, Santa, and New Year Resolutions to create magical moments that you will enjoy for a lifetime.


It’s also a great time to permanently suspend any disbelief you may have about your company, your customers, your plans and yourself and create a “magical life” where all your dreams and goals come true. 




Article written by Joe Micallef – Sales Strategist & Coach – Grow UP Sales. For more advice on how to better believe in your success please email

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